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Nature's medicine chest

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春夏秋冬、スパークリングのKocomo'sエルダーフラワーフィズは欠かせません。この軽くて香り高い、とても爽やかなヨーロッパの伝統的な飲み物は、私たちの有機栽培のヨーロッパエルダーの花から作られています。マスカットを思わせる風味のエルダーフラワーフィズは、リフレッシュできる他にはない爽やかな炭酸飲料です。ヨーロッパや北米では、エルダーフラワーは多くの飲料や食品に使用され、愛されています。Kocomo'sエルダーフラワーフィズは着色料、香料、甘味料を使用せず、ノンアルコール、 味わいも抜群です。


No summer is complete without sparkling Elderflower fizz. Just what you need at the end of a hot day, this light, fragrant, and extremely refreshing traditional European drink is made from the flowers of our organically grown European Elder.

With a flavour reminiscent of Muscat, Elderflower Fizz is a non-alcoholic carbonated drink that is a great alternative to sparkling wine or overly sweet sodas.



ニワトコ/せっこつぼく(Sambucus sieboldiana)は、ヨーロッパ(Sambucus Nigra)とアメリカ(Sambucus Canadensis)エルダーの近縁種で、古くから非常に有用かつ効果の高い薬草として知られています。紀元前4世紀、ヒポクラテスはエルダー(エルダーフラワーの咲く木)を「自然の薬箱」と呼び、アイヌ民族を含む多くの文化圏で、エルダーは数えきれないほどの病状に使用されてきました。エルダー(学名:Sambucus Nigra)は現在、世界で最も利用されている薬用植物の一つです。現代科学では、エルダーフラワーとその果実は、抗酸化物質、アントシアニン、代謝産物、ビタミンCなどの有益な化合物を多く含み、免疫システムを強化することができると推測されています。

Elder is best known for it's Elderflower and Elderberries. A close relative of ニワトコ/せっこつぼく(Sambucus sieboldiana), European (Sambucus  Nigra) and American (Sambucus Canadensis) Elder has long been known as an extraordinarily useful and highly effective medicinal herb. 

Love in every bubble!

We have been growing Elder for over 8 years now. Starting with just two bushes, we have added varieties and expanded to more than 5 cultivars of both European and American Elder. Some of these are bred specially for their flowers, others for their berries. Our Elder orchards now have almost 500 trees and we are one of the biggest Elder growers in the country. We intend to continue adding new varieties over the coming years. 

Folklore related to elder trees is extensive and can vary according to region. In some traditions, the elder tree is thought to ward off evil and give protection from witches, while other beliefs say that witches often congregate under the plant, especially when it is full of fruit. If an elder tree was cut down, a spirit known as the Elder Mother would be released and take her revenge. The tree could only safely be cut while chanting a rhyme to the Elder Mother.





Here are some links to independent testimonials as to the health benefits of Elderberries and Elderflowers:


Try Our Produce

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